Monday, December 22, 2014

I am sick of Muslims whining about the reverse genocides in Myanmar and the Central African Republic!

I am sick of Muslims whining about the reverse genocides in Myanmar and the Central African Republic!

Muslims are being systematically slaughtered in Myanmar and the Central African Republic!

Islam has killed at least 270 million people in 1400 years and probably far more than that. This is easily verified by reliable sources including this YouTube video:

Sudan has killed over a million Christians and has led to the formation of a new nation called South Sudan. The Ottoman Empire (present day Turkey) killed between 1.5 million and 3 million Armenian Christians after World War II. Throughout history, millions of Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Hindu, and other Muslims have been killed brutally and systematically - not just by terrorists - but by Islamic governments (state sponsored terrorism). These are just a few examples.

Millions of Jews were killed by Hitler in World War II. Hitler actually copied the example of the Ottoman Empire patterning his concentration camps after theirs. Muslims applauded and still applaud Hitler's genocide.

Israel became a nation again in 1948. They fought a war of survival against Muslim forces later that year. Then in 1967 was the Six Day War in which the tiny nation of Israel single-handedly defeated Egypt, Syria, and Jordan and annexed border regions.

To this day, Muslims whine about this. They claim that Israel stole land from Palestine which doesn't even exist. Israel has offered to give land for peace but that doesn't work because Muslims want all the land and all Jews killed.

Israel has a right to defend itself. We constantly hear on the news that Israel killed innocent Muslims but that is a crock.

Myanmar (formerly Burma) is a predominantly Buddhist nation near Thailand. Muslim terrorists have killed thousands of Myanmar Buddhists. THEY ARE JUST FIGHTING FIRE WITH FIRE!

The Central African Republic is a redominantly Christian nation near Tanzania and Mozambique. Muslim terrorists have killed thousands of Central African Republic Christians. THEY ARE JUST FIGHTING FIRE WITH FIRE!

Muslims don't like it when infidels fight back. But that's tough! Last I heard, jihad works both ways!

Islam seeks world domination. Muslims want the world to be Islamized. Too bad! We as infidels want an end to Islam!

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