Saturday, December 27, 2014

It's time for an international organized worldwide ban of Islam!

It's time for an international organized worldwide ban of Islam!

It's time for an international organized worldwide ban of Islam!

1) Angola recently banned Islam.
2) Russia recently banned the Quran.
3) Several European nations have banned the burqa.
4) China recently banned Muslim prayer meetings in government buildings
5) Myanmar (a Buddhist nation) is conducting an organized reverse jihad against Muslims.
6) The Central African Republic (a Christian nation) is conducting an organized reverse jihad against Muslims.

These are just a few recent international efforts against Islam. BUT THEY DON'T GO FAR ENOUGH!

This is what the world really needs:

1) An international boycott of oil against all Islamic or Islamic friendly nations. No more business with OPEC.
2) Ban the United Nations. Form a new version of the United Nations which is free of all Islamic nations - with the possible exception of: 1) Egypt which has secularized and 2) Morocco which is already secular.
3) A worldwide ban on the Quran and all aspects of it. All Qurans must be destroyed.
4) All of Islam in any form banned from civilized nations. There is no good Islam. No exception.
5) Current adherents of Islam must either be deported to an Islamic nation of their choice or must leave Islam. Islam is not a religion. It is a cult and deserves no protection - in concept, in practice, and in membership.
6) All Islamic nations given the ultimatum - put up or shut up! In order to rejoin the international community, they must become secular. 

1) Islam is not the official religion - NOR IS ANY OTHER. 
2) No more forced conversions. 
3) No more death penalty for leaving Islam. 
4) No more honor killings. 
5) No more forced child marriages. 
6) No more female genital mutilation. 
7) No more use of children as soldiers.
8) No more suicide bombings.
9) Must agree to adhere to the Geneva Conventions of War.

Vladimir Putin (of Russia) was right. Whether we are Russian or American or French or British or Australian or Israeli or whatever free society - we the people of our civilized nations should demand that everybody who lives in our nations follow our rules and put our nations first. Not Islam. Not Allah.


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