It IS acceptable to hold the religion of Islam and Muslims responsible and accountable for their misdeeds!
Are all Muslims terrorists? No, certainly not. Are all Muslims pedophiles? Again no. Are all Muslim men wife beaters? Good heavens no. But it is a very complicated issue. Let’s first explore a case scenario.
Suppose a western journalist, doctor, or other worker is captured and beheaded in a Muslim country. Who is responsible? Should we only blame the guy who yelled “Allahu Akbar”, took the sword, and performed the beheading? What about the 4 or 5 others who held the victim down? What about the guy who filmed it and posted a video of it on the internet? What about the Muslims who watched in person and cheered? What about all the Muslims who knew about it after the fact and didn’t speak out – or outright praised the act?! What about the camps who trained these terrorists? What about the Saudi millionaires who funded these camps? What about Islamic advocacy front groups like CAIR who don’t speak out? What about the Imams and mullahs who constantly feed hate and lead such chants as “Death to Israel” and “Death to America”? What about the Islamic maddrassas who teach (brainwash) children to hate starting their first day of school? What about Muslim parents who pump hate into their kids even in infancy? And what about the millions of Muslims who donate to terrorism directly or indirectly through zakat?
There are a number of disturbing tenets of Islam. For one, men are superior to women, and all Muslims are superior to other races, ethnicities, and religions! It is rather ironic that Islam claims to be superior, yet Muslim nations are weak militarily. Furthermore, Muslims have almost no Nobel prizes or Olympic medals.
Quite naturally, this is a big reason why Muslims hate America so much. America is an economic and military superpower. Muslims wish to perceive themselves as dominant, but the truth hurts!
Another disturbing tenet of Islam is the claim that they love death more than life itself! This is completely against the laws of God and the laws of man. This isn't a legitimate religious ideal. It is a cult ideal!
A suicide bomber or a car bomber who blows himself / themselves up isn't going to be blessed by God or Allah. Indeed, Muslims themselves admit that killing innocent civilians is against Islam, yet they excuse it by contending that the west has done so too!
Charles Manson and Adolf Hitler would have been proud of these suicide bombers and car bombers. But they aren’t going to heaven and getting 72 virgins. THEY ARE GOING STRAIGHT TO HELL!
Another disturbing tenet of Islam is deliberate deceit (taqiyya and kitman). In the Koran, Allah advocates lying in certain situations – supposedly when one’s life is in danger. But the recent practice and interpretation is “ANYTHING THAT PROMOTES ISLAM, INCLUDING LIES, IS OK!”
If anyone doubts that Muslims believe this, feel free to Google it. A good example is the mullah who said “But there are three types of lies that are permitted”!
To my knowledge, there is no prevailing Christian or Jewish ideal that sanctions, excuses, or promotes lying. I can’t recall any scripture in the Bible or Torah saying it’s OK. To my knowledge, neither God nor Jesus ever lied! I would invite and challenge anyone to prove otherwise.
Another disturbing tenet of Islam is “THERE IS NO GOLDEN RULE”! ‘The Golden Rule’ basically says “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” This is a foreign concept to Muslims. We are all supposed to submit to Allah. Though Muslims will say that it is voluntary, that is taqiyya dribble! What’s more, Muslims who leave Islam are killed!
Another disturbing tenet of Islam is lack of free speech! A Danish Muslim recently held up a sign proclaiming “Freedom of speech is Western Terrorism”! What are Muslims afraid of? And what is God or Allah afraid of? If Islam is the truth and the will of God or Allah, why should they fear criticism?!
Thomas Jefferson said it best: Question with boldness even the existence of a God, for if there be one, he must more likely approve of the homage of reason than that of blindfolded fear.”
Another disturbing practice in Islam is “lack of accountability” and blaming others! Some of this, of course, has to do with Muslim’s lack of free speech. If Muslims can’t blame Allah or Mohammed or their Imam or their government, then it seems natural they would blame Jews or Israel or Christians or America. Anyone besides themselves that is! Arguably, this lack of Muslim accountability is partly why their societies and governments have failed so miserably!
But in my opinion, the most disturbing practices in Islam are their cruel and unusual punishments! Muslims behead with swords – a slow and painful death. They stone women to death for adultery – another slow and painful death. Iran hangs people by the neck causing slow death usually by asphyxiation rather than the humane quick-drop method.
I haven’t even touched on other subjects like sex with animals, pedophilia, necrophilia, arranged marriages with young girls, wife beatings, “honor killings” etc. Islam is truly despicable! Islam is a cult, not a religion!
The best thing that could happen is a worldwide reform of Islam. Maybe that will happen one day. But that is something the Muslims would have to do. We on the outside can’t make them do it.
These days, Muslims are speaking out. There are many revolutions in Islamic nations from people wanting freedom. But truth be known, people can never be free as long as the current version of Islam is their religion!
Italy has declared Islam a cult! There is only one mosque in Italy. One day hopefully the rest of the western world will do likewise before it’s too late!
My response to: “Not all Muslims are terrorists” or “It’s not OK to bash Muslims”, let me ask this:
1) Why do Muslims constantly claim they are mistreated in America, yet we never or rarely hear or see stories of Muslims being killed by non-Muslims?
2) How can Muslims claim they are mistreated at the airport when TSA is frisking Catholic nuns, 6-year-old children, and grandma?
3) How can Muslims contend that hate crimes are up, when the statistics show that Jews are treated much worse?
4) Why are 9 out of 10 of the FBI’s most wanted terrorists Muslim?
Islam seeks to be the dominant religion on earth. We can’t coexist with Islam. We need to take steps to stop its advancement in America!
Not all Muslims are terrorists, but statistically speaking, the higher the Muslim population, the more crime, terrorism, and civil unrest! We should declare Islam a cult and stop funding it as a legitimate religion. We should stop allowing Muslims to immigrate to America and the western world. We should take pride in our own Judeo-Christian values instead of adopting Muslim values and practices.
And lastly, we should hold the religion of Islam and Muslims responsible and accountable for their misdeeds!
Saturday, November 8, 2014
It IS acceptable to hold the religion of Islam and Muslims responsible and accountable for their misdeeds!
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