Thursday, November 6, 2014

The official "Ban Islam" statement from 2010

The official "Ban Islam" statement from 2010:

I didn't write the following. But I personally knew several of the admins from the "Ban Islam" group. Their group statement was so interesting and compelling that I want to pass it on!

I am angry at Islam and I hope you are, too. Islam violates so many human rights, it should disgust any sane human being to his or her core.

Islam ordains apostates to be killed, limb amputations for petty theft, raping women as 'holy' legal punishment, lashings, men ordered to beat their wives, women are blamed if they're raped, molesting little girls is perfectly fine, those who insult Islam and all those who do not submit to it are to be killed through beheading and by the cutting off of their hands and feet.

Every one of these acts are legislated by the 'holy' Qu'ran and Islamic scripture from the hadiths.

Those who try to be politically correct applaud themselves themselves for being open minded; they'll do that right up the moment jihadists slit their throats and bash in their heads.

To state that it is racist to criticize Islam is akin to saying it is racist to criticize Nazism. These 'Jihad' 'holy' wars aren't about foreign policy, but ideology.

Muhammad ordered all Muslims to fight disbelievers until they converted them or subjugated them to an inferior dhimmi status of slavery, with refusal warranting death.

Global jihad to create an islamic caliphate is currently being waged against those who are civilized. Muslims are simply following in the footsteps of Muhammad - who killed many people, married Aisha at six years of age, had sex with her when she was only nine; lead caravan raids, severed the heads of over eight hundred Jews, owned black slaves, (whom he referred to as "pug-nosed raisin-heads") brutally tortured people, and who personally ordered the assassination of those who merely verbally disagreed with him. What isn't widely publicized is that Mohammed was, and so his legacy remains that of, an insane imbecile.

When you see Muslims threatening to kill people over some fucking cartoons, is it any surprise when one discovers that they consider a man like this to be a prophet most worthy of praise from mankind?

Islam is unique from other religions - its goal is world domination. We need to stop being politically correct, because Islam and its hypocritically insane adherents will undoubtedly kill us all - if we continue to spread lies - lies that it is a religion of peace.

Question for Muslims:

Why do you keep coming on here to argue with us? You just keep coming here with the same old long-refuted crap, not to mention a bunch of other shit that only serves to reinforce our opinions on islam and its effect on human beings.

Sooner or later you will have to face the reality that we will always have logical and well informed refutations to your claims, you will never change our opinions on islam, and above all, you will never silence us.

Most of you seem to have this completely insane, not to mention condescending notion that we only hate islam because we don't understand it. Get this through your heads RIGHT NOW, Muslims: We understand islam perfectly well, and that is why we hate it.

Fuck respect. You demand that we respect your religion for no reason that holds any meaning for us at all, while simultaneously showing blatant disrespect towards us by assuming that we don't even know what we're talking about before having even spoken to us. You obviously have no respect for our opinion, so why the fuck should we have any respect for yours?

You act like you can't even imagine someone being familiar with islam and disagreeing with it. You arrogantly act like islam is so perfect and so great, and like there's no way anyone could prefer anything else. Most of you were born and raised muslims, so how do you know islam is such a great way of living? You've never experienced anything else, so you have absolutely nothing to compare it too.

Its like eating no other flavor of ice cream besides chocolate your whole life, never even trying anything else, wondering why everyone else isn't sacrificing every other flavor to be exclusive to chocolate, and then assuming that people who aren't as frighteningly obsessed with it simply haven't tried it. Never once do you even consider that other people may prefer other flavors, or might just be disgusted by chocolate, or might even be lactose intolerant.

It is a level of shameless arrogance that would make me want to punch the parent of a child who displayed it for not even bothering to teach the kid a little humility. It's so ironic that you Muslims make such positive claims about your god, something that is by your very definition unknowable with such utter certainty, while claiming to have humility. It's a contradiction that even abrogation can't fix.

Must Read Topics:
Read them before you start shouting "NAZIS" on the wall.

Violence, Hate, Subjugation, Slavery and Rape in the Qur'an and Sunnah

Isa: Genocidal Warmonger

Good muslims are bad people!



Mohammed's Islam

The Muslim PR Game Called "The Crusades" (From TROP)

Opposition to Islam does not equal racism

Why Islam is dangerous to non-Muslims

Can the Qu'ran only be understood in Arabic? (from TROP)

The Context Game (from TROP)

Islam and Christianity are incompatible

Statistics and the meaning of Islam

Is the Qu'ran Hate Propaganda? (Yes)

Question for, and assessment of, Muslims who frequent Here (pre-name change)

If Christianity is ok to insult, so is Islam (pre-name change)

Responses to Apologist BS; the question of whether Islam should be banned



I'm not against buying and selling, and making a basic profit to feed your family when you do so, but I think the government should be simply the largest
collective insurance company, taking care of our basic, Public NEEDS: to air, water, basic food, shelter, basic education, basic health keeping us alive, and
to secure the land for free travel, (airports and waterways, road maintenance etc) also to 'protect' us against all disasters, both natural (Katrina etc) and
man-made ("crimes;" those who break The Golden Rule and 'decide' to Attack First while blaming their victims, 'for their/our own good" of course!) - you know, for all that simply "Life, 
LIberty and the Pursuit of Happiness" stuff.

Leaving all the Private WANTS (to design and get rich selling new software, inventing things, even useless things like shiny-shiny iPods, platinum-coated toothbrushes, whatever - to the private sector is OK.

And it's not rocket-science.

We only need custodial public SERVANTS (like janitors, really) to project the number of Citizens ( not 'consumers') and divide by the needed taxes to build and maintain the "needs" infrastructure I just listed!

Simple, no?

The problem is all the errorists and terrorist scum, the cynical, self-serving, self-selling and thus selling us all out SALESMEN that rule the world today:

The media are OWNED by Salesmen; ALL Salesmen are terrorists (they ALL advertise 'Fear,' to sell us the 'greedy' escape from their own initial threats)!

All Salesmen want all money to travel freely, with no restrictions!

Because "capitalism" is ONLY:

"The Supply And Demand Of Renting Money" (!)

And the ONLY reason any 'banks' (and BANKSTERS) exist at all - the ONLY reason anyone would ever want to borrow money - is because some Salesman has already SCARED them (using fear to cause terror) into panicking, and so into thinking - mistakenly - that they "need" more money (for defense from the Salesman's own threats) before they can afford it.

The only reason is the usual FEAR 'and Greed' - the same-old carrot-and-stick behavioural conditioning approach of tyrants and torturers, and manipulative
connivers everywhere.

Without "fear" there would be no "greed"!

They - even 'religious' salesmen - pretend that Fear and Greed are two entirely different, opposite things!


The "Fear (of Pain) IS the "greedy" HOPE of NO Pain!

These Amoral Relativists then claim that "Less bad IS good!" and that "less good is still good!" And that "Without Evil, there can be no Good, and without good, there can be no evil" And that even God "loves to hate, and hates to love!"

These submissive, sly hypocrites and lazy-thinkng cretins might as well worship "Shit Happens" as their 'god' (!)

Thus, everyone is broken down into two classes (classificaitons) or 'castes' of people: the knowers and doers, /masters and slaves,/ owners and owers.

"Capital" and "Labour;" US versus THEM; Adversarial, Satanic.

To panic and borrow money at (selfish, reptilitan, predatory and cannibalistic) 'interest' is to sell your self to the person who is scaring you; to SUBMIT! to
their 'Protection' rackets! It is to enslave your self! A part of your working life goes to THEM - forever!

This is why the Global Capitalists LOVE islam!

BOTH creeds want you to Submit to their terror, AND they BOTH HATE the ideal ideas ("Idols") of "COUNTRIES!"

BOTH are Tyrannies, enslaving you with the
mindless Authority of your own fear of pain!

Ever get to "vote" for your Boss?!


All corporations are really only criminal GANGS, hiding behind the idol of being a religion or a fake (legally fictitious) 'person' - a 'person' which of course
can not be JAILED for it's crimes against any of us REAL humans! These Corporazis dilute responsibility and enforce these criminal's 'rights' over us all!




(read less)
I am angry at Islam and I hope you are, too. Islam violates so many human rights, it should disgust any sane human being to his or her core.

Islam ordains apostates to be killed, limb amputations for petty theft, raping women as 'holy' legal punishment, lashings, men ordered to beat their wives, women are blamed if they're raped, molesting little girls is perfectly fine, those who insult Islam and all those who do not submit to it are to be killed through beheading and by the cutting off of... (read more)

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