Why do Muslims feed us taqiyya that Islam is peaceful by deliberately misquoting Sura 5:32?!
Muslims claim that Sura 5:32 says: "If anyone kills a human being it is if he killed all of mankind and if anyone saves a human being it is as if he saved all of mankind."
Parts of Sura 5:32 are deliberately left out to make it seem as if Islam is peaceful! Sura 5:26-33 outline a sermon by a Jewish rabbi which was overheard by Mohammed. It refers to how Cain killed Abel in Genesis 4:8. This sermon relates the circumstances when killing is justifiable.
The entire Sura 5:32 IN CONTEXT: "We ordained for the Children of Israel that if anyone slew a person - unless it be in retaliation for murder or for spreading mischief in the land - it would be as if he slew all mankind: and if anyone saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of all humanity."
MUSLIMS NEVER QUOTE THE VERY NEXT SURA - Sura 5:33! "The punishment for those who wage war against Allah and his apostle and strive to make mischief in the land is: They should be murdered or crucified or that opposing hands and feet should be cut off or they should be imprisoned. This shall be a disgrace for them in this world and in the hereafter they will have a grievous chastisement."
Sura 5 sets up Islamic "blasphemy" laws. Anything against Islam in Muslim lands is severely punished! Christians and Jews aren't supposed to build houses of worship unless they pay the jizya. Christians aren't supposed to spread the gospel of Jesus's ministry. And by association, anything negative about Allah or Mohammed or Islam EVEN IF IT IS TRUE is to be silenced.
This is of course why Barack Obama and the United Nations (COMPOSED OF MANY MUSLIM NATIONS) are trying to stifle freedom of speech.
Not very peaceful, is it?!
Thanks for posting !!