Obama learns from Muslims about rewriting history!
We are so worried and preoccupied with our school textbooks written in Muslim countries with inaccurate and biased history when we should be also looking at President Obama who wants to rewrite history and make Muslims look more favorable!
President Obama has said that Muslims have always been a part of our American history and heritage. I personally can’t recall any Muslims which were important to American history until the 1960s when Malcolm X, Muhammad Ali, and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar (among a few others) converted to Islam.
Here is a short synopsis of history though. In 1492, Spain liberated itself from the clutches of Muslims. That same year (1492), Queen Isabella commissioned Christopher Columbus and the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria . They traveled in the opposite direction in hopes of discovering an alternate route to the far east.
Muslim pirates had a long “illustrious” history of raiding ships. It is all part of what they had been taught in the Koran (to wage jihad on the infidels and pillage their property as booty). Spain knew it and wanted to prevent it in the future. This is partly why three ships were sent (there is safety in numbers and they could in theory protect each other).
Christopher Columbus eventually reached land. He thought at first he had reached India in the far east. That is why the aboriginal indigenous people that were already there were called “Indians”.
Other explorers followed Columbus including Amerigo Vespucci. The American continents were named for Amerigo Vespucci. It wasn’t until years later that Columbus was finally credited with actually discovering America .
The Mayflower reached America in the early part of the 17th century. These were among the first English-speaking settlers.
Very few (if any) Muslims came to the American continent. The former Europeans knew something about them of course since they had many dealings with them before (mostly from jihad attacks and pirates).
Thomas Paine wrote a book called “Common Sense” before the Revolutionary War. He briefly spoke about Islam in his book. But since Paine knew little about Muslims he referred to Islam and Muslims as “the church of Mahomet ”. This indeed clashes with Obama’s assertion that Muslims were always a part of American history. If Muslims had been a rich part of our history, why did the former-English American settlers (including Paine) know so little about them personally?
After the Revolutionary War and the United States of America declaring its independence, George Washington became our first president on April 30, 1789 . John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and John Quincy Adams had very unfavorable impressions about the Muslim pirates. There are very negative quotes about Muslims and Islam.
American ships exporting commerce weren’t immune to attacks by Muslim pirates. They were holding our commercial interests hostage. This posed a problem in our early days. We couldn’t rely on Great Britain to protect our commerce.
Jefferson (who traveled to Europe for years before becoming president) bought a Koran. Some now assume that Jefferson owned a Koran because he liked the precepts of Islam. But actually he had it as a “playbook” so we could know their true intent.
Jefferson did however have a very favorable impression of Christianity. He studied the Bible for years and wrote “The Jefferson Bible” which is a wonderful synopsis of Jesus’ early ministry!
Arguably speaking, IF Jefferson likewise had a FAVORABLE impression of Islam, might he have written a book called “The Jefferson Koran” with a “WONDERFUL” synopsis of Mohammed’s early conquests? Jefferson NEVER wrote any such book!
Jefferson is also quoted as saying “Question with boldness even the existence of a God; because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason, than that of blindfolded fear. His quote applies rather well to “the blindfolded fear” of Islam! Speaking of the “homage of reason”, Islam is in a very dark age of reason now. The fact that Jews outnumber Muslims 165 to 6 in Nobel prizes attests to this fact.
The United States knew that we would need a powerful Navy. We attacked the northern tip of Africa in the early part of the 19th century. This was the root of the Muslim pirate ships. We defeated the problem at its source by attacking Tripoli , Libya .
The United States Marine Corps battle hymn speaks proudly of this early Naval victory. “From the halls of Montezuma TO THE SHORES OF TRIPOLI, we will fight our nation’s battles, the United States Marines”!
Fast forward to today. Now American schools are littered with inaccurate and pro-Muslim textbooks written in Saudi Arabia . They want to rewrite history and fool our young children in elementary schools, high schools, and colleges.
Unfortunately, whether we like it or not, young children usually believe what they read. Whether it is right or wrong, it is there in print in black and white so why shouldn’t most of them believe it (even if it’s wrong)? This is why it is so important that we remove and ban these textbooks from our classrooms!
President Obama has said since his early presidency that he wants Americans to reach out to the Muslim community. He wants NASA to actively recruit Muslim astronauts. He wants schools to have field trips to mosques.
Some of our school children who have attended mosques have been forced to take on a Muslim name for a day and pray to Allah. This begs the question of where and when does religious EDUCATION become religious INDOCTRINATION?! This argument is aside from other issues. Why aren’t other religions being given equal treatment? Why is Islam being taught despite the Creationism vs. Evolutionism battles? AND WHY ISN’T THE ACLU STEPPING IN?
But now Obama is taking it one step further. He is telling us that Muslims have always been a rich illustrious part of our history and heritage. In a way he is right. Some of our earliest battles have been with them. We fought Muslims then and we are fighting them now. Only now it is an ideological war and our “War on terror”.
Obama is obviously forgetting history (or conveniently ignoring it)! Muslim pirates were a problem for America in our early days much as they are a problem for us now! Somali pirates are pillaging and taking people hostage for ransom. In fact, four Americans were killed by Somali pirates a few days ago and last I heard, Obama didn’t even bother speaking out against it. So much for Obama having America ’s interests and safety in mind!
Muslims adore and idolize Adolf Hitler. They learned a great deal from him. One of Hitler’s most famous quotes “If you tell a lie often enough, the people will eventually believe it.”
Taqiyya has always been a rich illustrious part of Muslim history. Only now it has been perfected and taken to a higher level. Now Mohammed’s early brutal savage history is getting a major overhaul. The “new Mohammed” is wonderful!
If the “new Mohammed” is so wonderful, why are there so many atrocities in Islamic countries? Why is there so much terrorism resulting in deaths of innocent people? Why are there so many revolutions in Muslim nations now? Why do we keep hearing about young girls under the age of 12 forced into marriage to much older men (since they are following the ways of Mohammed, the “perfect” man). Why are more than six million people in Africa alone converting from Islam to Christianity (which might be more if they didn’t fear reprisal for “apostacy”)?
And why oh why is Barack HUSSEIN Obama (he hates his middle name being used) lying about our rich illustrious wonderful history with Muslims?
If and when anybody finds out, please tell me. Because I really want to know!
Saturday, November 8, 2014
Obama learns from Muslims about rewriting history!
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